Produtiva GPT AI Assistant for Jira

How to use Produtiva GPT AI Assistant for Jira

Installation to Jira Cloud

  • Log into your Jira instance.
  • Click the Apps dropdown and choose Find new apps.
  • Search for Produtiva GPT AI Assistant for Jira and click on the app.
  • Click Try it free to start installing the app.

How enable the app on a Jira ticket

  1. Open any Jira ticket.
  2. See if Produtiva GPT AI button appears on the ticket toolbar. If it does not, click on the Add apps button to add it.
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  1. Click on the Produtiva GPT AI button on the toolbar (violet rectangle on the screenshot) to load the Produtiva GPT AI toolset panel (green rectangle on the screenshot).
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How to use the app

  • The app uses the ticket title and description as an input.
  • The output will appear within the Produtiva GPT AI toolset panel.
  • Copy/paste the output into the ticket description or other relevant field, refine it, and save the ticket.

Smart Reformat

The Smart Reformat feature will analyze the ticket, fill in the missing blocks according to Agile framework and reformat for a consistent look.

When to use:

  • when you only have a rough requirements in the ticket description and want to summarize, reformat and complete it with acceptance criteria, test cases, and other considerations

Generate acceptance criteria

The Generate acceptance criteria feature will analyze the ticket, generate acceptance criteria.

When to use:

  • when you have the requirements, but don't have the acceptance criteria in the ticket description or want to refine the existing acceptance criteria

Generate test cases

The Generate test cases feature will analyze the ticket, generate test cases.

When to use:

  • when you have the requirements, but don't have the test cases in the ticket description or want to refine the existing test cases

Point estimate

The Point estimate feature will provide a point estimate for the ticket using "three-point estimation" method which gives the best-possible, most-likely and worst-case estimate for the ticket. Additionally it will provide a breakdown of the ticket into smaller tasks if the estimate is over threshold.

When to use:

  • while engineering teams are the best to provide the point estimate, the Point estimate feature can be used as a starting point for the discussion
  • this is perfect for Product Owners who want to get a rough idea of the ticket complexity before they discuss it with the engineering team
  • Project Managers can use this feature for high level planning purposes

Custom Instructions

The Custom Instructions feature allows you to provide custom instructions for the AI to follow. This is useful when you want to provide additional context to the AI or when you want to use the AI to generate something specific to your use case.

When to use:

  • To analyze the ticket and provide critical feedback based on he Agile framework (i.e. what's missing in the ticket, what's not clear, what's not considered etc.)
  • To generate a specific type of content (i.e. user feedback summary, a specific section of the ticket, a specific type of test case etc.)
  • Brainstorming sessions with the AI (i.e. ask the AI to generate a list of possible solutions to a problem, ask the AI to generate a list of possible features to implement etc.)
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