Business Requirement Document (BRD) template

Business Requirement Document (BRD) template

Hey there! Here is a template for a Business Requirement Document (BRD) suited for Agile environments. Remember, in Agile, the BRD should be flexible and open to changes as the project progresses.

1. Project Title:

  • [Your Project Name]

Choose a clear, concise title that reflects the nature of the project.

2. Document Version:

  • [Version Number] - [Last Updated Date]

Keep track of revisions with version numbers and update dates. This helps in maintaining a clear history of changes.

3. Introduction:

  • Brief overview of the project.
  • Purpose of this BRD.
  • Any relevant background information.

Provide a snapshot of the project’s purpose and objectives. Include any background info that sets the context for the project.

4. Project Scope:

  • A high-level description of the project's boundaries and what it aims to achieve.
  • Any out-of-scope elements.

Clearly outline what the project will and won't cover. This sets boundaries and helps prevent scope creep. Mention any related projects or dependencies.

5. Stakeholders:

  • List of key stakeholders and their roles.
  • How they will be involved in the project.

Identify everyone involved, including project sponsors, team members, and end users. Describe their roles and responsibilities in relation to the project.

6. Business Objectives:

  • Key business goals this project aims to achieve.
  • How success will be measured.

Define specific, measurable goals that the project should achieve. Explain how these objectives support broader business strategies.

7. User Stories / Requirements:

  • A list of user stories that outline who the users are, what they need, and why.
  • These should be clear, concise, and actionable.

Write user stories that encapsulate user needs and expectations. Each story should include the user type, their need, and the reason for this need.

8. Prioritization:

  • An indication of the priority level of each user story or requirement.
  • Could use a system like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have this time).

Use a system like MoSCoW to prioritize requirements, helping the team focus on what’s most important. This section should be revisited regularly to adjust priorities as needed.

9. Functional Requirements:

  • Detailed description of functionalities required.
  • This includes any specific features, tasks, or behaviors the end product should have.

Detail the specific functionalities the final product should have. Include any necessary system integrations, user functionalities, or specific outcomes.

10. Non-Functional Requirements:

  • Specifications not related to functionality (e.g., security, reliability, performance).

Describe requirements related to system performance, security, user experience, etc. These are critical for ensuring the usability and quality of the final product.

11. Constraints and Assumptions:

  • Any known constraints (budgetary, technical, time-related).
  • Assumptions being made at the start of the project.

List any constraints (e.g., budget limits, time constraints) that could impact the project. Document assumptions made at the project’s outset. These need to be verified and updated as the project progresses.

12. Acceptance Criteria:

  • Specific criteria that must be met for each user story/requirement to be considered complete.
  • These help in guiding development and testing.

Define clear, testable criteria for each requirement to ensure it meets business needs. This is crucial for quality assurance and user acceptance testing.

13. Approval Sign-Off:

  • Space for key stakeholders to sign off on the BRD.
  • This section can include names, signatures, and dates.

Include space for key stakeholders to approve the document, indicating that everyone is on the same page. This formalizes the agreement on the project’s direction.

14. Appendices:

  • Use this section for any supplementary information like detailed data analyses, technical specifications, glossaries, or reference documents.

This template outline is a starting point.

Feel free to customize it to fit the specific needs and processes of your project and organization. In Agile environments, it's essential to revisit and update this document regularly as project requirements and priorities evolve.

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